2012年倫敦奧運將採用永續水產品自從電視節目呼籲大眾正視八成歐洲漁業資源遭過度開發後,已有數十萬英國人群起響應並簽署支持永續漁業請願書。支持者及名廚鼓勵消費者選購能取代鱈魚、鮪魚、鮭魚、黑線鱈、蝦等深受英國人青睞的水產品。該節目播畢後的短短幾周內,英裝潢國超市龍頭Tesco的綠線鱈、黍鯡及牙鱈等這些較不受歡迎的魚種狂銷25%-40%;大型零售商Sainsbury的虹鱒、狗鱈等替代性魚種大賣46公噸;Waitrose超市販售取代真鱈及黑線鱈的白肉魚熱銷;英國政府更順應民意資助一項為期六個月調查修正作業相關法令有何效應的研究。然而燒烤節目成功所帶來的後續效應,卻讓漁民團體開始憂心消費者會否反應過度。全國漁民組織聯盟指出,英國人食用的真鱈大部分不是冰島進口,就是源自非歐盟水域的挪威巴倫支海,也都是被公認已達最大持續生產量(MSY)的漁業。2012年倫敦奧運承辦單位有意搭上媒體成功的順風ARMANI車,在奧運賽期間以只供應永續作業水產品為訴求,順勢將倫敦打造成全球第一個永續水產城市。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 16/2011,29 August 2011)SUSTAINABLE FISH FOR OLYMPIC 2012Hundreds of thousands of British people have signed a petition 建築設計supporting sustainable fishingfollowing the airing of a TV show highlighting that 80% of European fish stocks are over-exploited.Campaigner and celebrity chefs encouraged consumers to look for alternatives to the UK’s favouriteseafood, cod, tuna, 濾桶salmon, haddock and shrimp.Within weeks, one of Britain’s biggest supermarkets, Tesco, reported that sales of unpopular specieslike coley, sprats and whiting had risen between 25 to 45%. Another big retailer, Sainsbury’s, said itsold an 信用貸款additional 46 MT of alternatives, such as rainbow trout and hake. Supermarket Waitrose alsoreported increased sales of whitefish, which substitutes for cod and haddock. As a result, the UKgovernment has decided to fund a six-month study to 二胎investigate what would happen if fishing lawswere changed.But the success of the show has had fishermen’s groups worried that consumers may be overreacting.Most cod that is consumed in the UK either comes from Iceland or comes from the Barents 負債整合Sea,Norway and not from the EU waters, said the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organizations.Those are fisheries that are recognized to be at maximum sustainable yield.Building on the show’s success, the organizers of the 2012 Olympics in 室內裝潢London plan to ensure thatfood outlets serve only sustainably harvested fish during the games. Its aim is to make London theworld’s first sustainable fish city.

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